Project images for work by Dragonthorn Leatherworks can be viewed on this page. Here you will find images for all projects listed within this web page in addition to others that I have completed in the past. The real purpose of this page is to give you an idea of the many items that have been created by Dragonthorn Leatherworks and a place to help you with some ideas. Not all Dragonthorn projects are listed as they are too numerous to place on this web page. However on this page you can quickly view colors, styles, designs and such … all a bit different but very loved by the owners. Most of these project details (including pricing and construction information) can be viewed by visiting the specific category or “Whats in the Portfolio” link within the “Portfolio” menu bar on each page. You can as well utilize the “search bar on most pages. Enjoy! DH (as info, click on an interesting pic and a larger photograph will appear. To return click the “back button” in your browser or the “back” button on your mouse)
Could you make a leather briefcase? Black. Does not need to be done by Christmas.
Jane, can do but am booked well into 2016 at the moment. Dave
I am looking to have made some knife sheaths. If I was to provide measurements and pictures could something be made. I would like to have pocket sheaths made with clips. I like what I have seen. I am looking to make contact with a representative if possible. Jack Lyons (617-417-9260 thank you
Lovely work.
Could you do a zippered carrying case, about 9.5 in. high, about 4.5 in. wide and about ¾ in. deep?
A heavy zipper would extend around the three unhinged sizes.
Each interior side would have a pocket going up only about a third of the way.
THESE ARE NOT FINAL DIMENSIONS. We could arrive on those when we discuss the piece.
Not a gift. Let me know. Thanks!